You will require basic knowledge of workflow management before going further.
This Article helps you in creating a "New Activity" using workflow management, whenever an activity under your sales flow has been marked as Completed.
Your sales cycle requires a particular set of activities to be carried out in a specific order to close a deal. So you need to set up a flow whereas a new activity should only get created if the previous was was finished.
Use Case:
Schedule a "Call" with contact whenever a deal is created. Once "Call" is done, we need to send a follow-up email after two days, and after that email, we should again have a call in the next three days.
The above case can be achieved by below mentioned steps -
- Navigate to the Profile icon on the top right corner
- Click on Setup
- Head over to the Automation category
- Click on Workflow
- Click on + New Rule
Workflow 1:
Basic Information
- Select the Module on whose action the workflow will execute (Ex: Deal)
- Mention the Rule Name & Description that you wish to create Workflow for
- Once done click on Next
Executes On
- Executes the Workflow Rule when a record is created in the above-selected Module
Rule Criteria
- Mention the Rule Criteria based on which the Workflow should be executed
- Place any conditions in case you want to execute such workflow for the deals in a particular pipeline or deals that have a deal value of more than $2000.
- Click Next
Assign Activity
- Title: Purpose for which Activity is Created
- Type: Helps you to identify the kind of Activity the user needs to perform i.e. call, task, meeting, demo
- Choose Start Date: Select the Activity Field plus the number of days
- Duration: Select the Time the Activity should last
- Availability: Busy/Free, this option helps users identify availability for other meetings
- Internal Note: Internal summary can be maintained for quick reference. The "Internal Note" - does not sync with your calendar and can be viewed in the Salesmate web and Mobile app only.
- Owner: The Key Account Manager handling the Activity
- Followers: Associate users or contacts for internal tracking (this does not affect Calendar invites)
- Tags: Tags help you easily identify records under Filters and Conditions for the next sets of Action
- Location: You can provide Meeting Location Details using this option
- Once done, hit Save further Save the Workflow
Workflow 2:
Basic Details
- Select the Module on whose action the workflow will execute (Ex: Activity)
- Mention the Rule Name & Description that you wish to create Workflow for
- Once done click on Next
Executes On
- Then select an action based on which the rule should be executed (Ex: Field Update)
- You will get an option "From" and "To" please select your choices
- Select Field: Completed No to Yes
- Click NEXT
Rule Criteria
- Tags equal to "first-call" ( Note: We added first-call as "Tag" in our previous workflow)
- Select the Action as Assign Activity and enter the required details
- Once done Save the details and further Save the Workflow
Workflow 3:
Basic Details
- Select the Module on whose action the workflow will execute (Ex: Activity)
- Mention the Rule Name & Description that you wish to create Workflow for
- Once done click on Next
Executes On
- Then select an action based on which the rule should be executed (Ex: Field Update)
- You will get an option "From" and "To" please select your choices
- Select Field: Completed No to Yes
- Click NEXT
Rule Criteria
- Tags equal to "first-email" ( Note: We added first-email as Tag in our previous workflow )
- Select the Action as Assign Activity and enter the required details
- Once done Save the details and further Save the Workflow
Note: We can repeat such a process for N number of steps.
You are all set, sit back and enjoy the automation which will surely save you time from repeated follow-up creations and manual labor.
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