Automatically send a direct message in Slack whenever a deal stage is Updated in a pipeline using Workflow Automation.
To create a workflow :
- Navigate to the Profile Icon on the top right corner
- Click on the Set Up
- Head over to the Automations
- Click on the Workflow Management
- Click on New Rule
Basic Information
- Create a workflow on the "Deals" Module
- Provide a Rule Name
- Give a description if required, then click on Next.
Execute On
- Execute the workflow on Field Update
- Select the field update as Pipeline
- Select 'From' stage >> Select 'To' stage.
Rule Criteria
- You can also apply specific conditions to your workflow.
- Say, where Tags = Lead.
Under Actions, select "Call Webhooks"
- Enter any custom name of the webhook.
- Select "Post" under Methods.
- For URL to Notify, Go to your slack account->Apps->Search for the app "Incoming Webhooks".
- Click on "Add"->Add to Slack.
- Select the channel where you want to get a message when deal is updated.
- Now copy the webhook URL and paste it under URL to notify.
- Under Headers add text as a "Content-Type" .
- Go to Body section->Select type of body as text.
- Add the following information in JSON body.
{"text":"Deal- {{Deal.title}} Moved to {{Deal.stage}} of {{Deal.pipeline}}"}
- Now save the webhooks and the workflow. Move a deal from one stage to other and it will notify you in the channel selected by you.
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