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Filter Activity Timeline by Activity Type so I don't have to scroll through 100 activities to find what I'm looking for




  • Tom Kaltz

    Have you tried clicking on those activity types in the area you highlighted in your screenshot? *wink wink*

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  • Jgalicinski

    Hi Tom, that's a mockup.. I added that to demo what I'd like it to look like.  Currently that functionality doesn't exist.

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  • Tom Kaltz

    Ah I see activity types...interesting idea.  I like it!

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  • Justin

    Interesting idea. Upvoted!

    Yeah I would say the best way to handle that would be to add a pulldown on the same line as the word Upcoming aligned to the right side of the column.

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  • Crystal Hoag

    We're switching to SM from Hubspot. This is standard in Hubspot and I absolutely expected it'd be available in SM. Please, please, PLEASE add this feature so my head doesn't explode and I don't absolutely hate this software switch!!

    Here's how it looks/works in HS:

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  • Marcelo Ramagem

    UPVOTE! Either flavor of the suggested UI mockups provided here would work for me. 

    I would also like to see "Calls" as a standalone default menu item next to "Activities, Deals, Notes, Emails, Files, Updates, Texts"

    Lets see how much better Salesmate team is when it comes to implementing customers suggestions that will help them break apart from the competition. Finger crossed!


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  • Team Salesmate

    Hello Everyone,

    We are still working on this suggestion. We thought to share a glimpse of the idea. Although it doesn't have any innovation, we might discuss if converting tabs to a dropdown will work or not.

    Do you guys think of any other filters other than activities?

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  • Crystal Hoag

    Just seeing this update. The mock-up looks good. Would be awesome if we could categorize notes too, but for now I think your mock-up will do.

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