Custom Reports: Allow us to sort / order the way reports are displayed in our own custom sections
Currently, when I create a custom report section then add new custom reports to it, there is no way for me to organize the order in which those reports are displayed. It would be helpful to let us organize the order in which they appear.
I don't need that in system default reports... but I do need them in custom as we are starting to add several. Currently they simply show in the order they were created. At a minimum give us alpha sort to allow us to change the names to control the sort order (easy quick fix for your dev team)
I noticed you implemented alpha sort in custom views...
PLEASE do the same for custom reports. :-)
I appreciate your response even if it took some time (better late than never).
Completely understand that building reporting engines are complex and take time. With that said I also appreciate simple "hot fixes" or "quick upgrades" on simple things like adding default sort order of custom reports. I realize you may only want to roll it out as part of a bigger release, but I beg you to reconsider. On small tweaks like this it would be greatly appreciated to see a quick fix while we wait for the larger one... especially when its one that is so simple to implement.
I am not suggesting you react to ever user suggestions and quickly add temporary fixes... that's not a good approach. This should be a case-by-case basis... and what I suggested for showing reports using default sort of alpha characters to me seems like a worthy candidate. Just my two cents!
Thanks again and keep up the good work. Salesmate is an excellent CRM and I see it having the potential to be the absolute best as you address some of the user suggestions.
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