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Modify Deal Cards within Pipeline Board View



  • Marcelo Ramagem


    Yes. I completely agree. This is something I would also use. Each business is different in how they sell, thus certain pieces of information are more relevant than others.

    Also, if you do implement this PLEASE make it universal... meaning don't let each user decide what to display. make this a configurable setting applicable to all users... controlled by an admin. That way we can be sure that all sales reps are seeing the right fields in the deal cards like everyone else.

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  • Amine H.

    This could be very useful indeed.

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  • Dave Giltner

    We have the ability to modify the sections and information presented in the quick view yet when we go to the full view, the information is jumbled around in no particular order. 

    Other CRM/Pipeline management software does this easily. 

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  • Team Salesmate

    Hello Dave,
    I think your request is more about the detailed view then deal card view. And we already have option to manage it:


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  • Marcelo Ramagem

    To Salesmate Team...

    This thread was suggesting the ability to chose what fields show up in the deal board screen. In the small cards that we can drag-n-drop. Would be really nice & helpful if we had the ability to perhaps add custom fields etc to display directly in the card when they are displayed in the deal board.

    I just wanted to clarify this for you so its clearer.


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  • David Schardt

    I would LOVE to have this option. Marcel above clarified exactly what we are all looking for. Thanks

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  • Moni

    We are coming up with the option to customize deal cards on a pipeline basis. So you can add system or custom fields on the cards.

    Stay Tuned!

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