Adding a goal to your Chat Journey will enable you to calculate its success.
Once you publish a Chat Journey, you will get an option to set the goal on the canvas screen.
Note: Only users with "Manage Chat Journeys" permission can set a goal for a Chat Journey.
To set a goal, follow the steps:
- First, go to the Chat Journey for which you want to set the goal, click and navigate to its canvas screen.
- Click on the "Set Goal" button displayed in the top bar.
- You'll be redirected to the screen where you'll need to provide the goal name, goal duration & goal condition.
- Provide a name, then select the duration during which the goal should be completed.
- And set the condition that should be matched to mark the goal as complete.
- Save your settings for goal once you're are done, and then go back to the canvas screen
- Now you can notice that the "Set Goal" button has been changed to "View Goal" as the goal is set.
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