Web Forms allow you to capture leads from your website or any other platform, they are also used for various other purposes such as polls, surveys, primary research, etc.
Here is how web forms are created inside Salesmate:
To create a form:
- Navigate to More Icons on the left menu bar.
- Click on Forms.
- Click the " + Forms " button at the top-right corner.
- At the top left corner, you can see the form name. Click on the pencil icon to edit the form name.
- You can add the following information to the form:
- Form Title - Title that appears at the top of the form
- Introduction - Information that appears below the top to explain the form's purpose to visitors/subscribers.
- Submit button text - Text that appears for the submit button to send the information to CRM.
The form will have the following fields by default:
- Name
- Mobile
In the settings you will see the following options:
- Add Field
- Choose the action to perform after form submissions
- Send submission email notification to
- Decide what should happen when a duplicate contact is submitted
- Decide who will be the record owner
- Enable Double Opt-in
- Add privacy policy
- Enable re-captcha
- Auto append a tag
- Change the appearance of the form
- Custom CSS
- Publish your form
Add Field:
- You can remove the predefined fields from the form or add new fields to it in order to capture users' information.
- You can click on the "Add Field" button and select the field which you want to capture from the visitors.
- You can select the fields from Contact, Company and Deal module.
Choose the action to perform after form submissions:
- Choose the action to perform after the form is submitted:
- Display a custom message - Design your form submission message using a rich text editor.
- Redirect to another page - You can redirect a user to any of your website's webpage on successful submission.
Send submission email notification to:
- You can add an email address to be notified when a new submission is made via web form.
Decide what should happen when a duplicate contact is submitted:
- Always create a new record - Select this option to create a new contact record for every submission with a unique primary email address.
- Update existing record - Select this option to update the record if the primary email address matches.
- Place a note on the timeline - Select this option to place a note with all information from a record matching the primary email address.
Decide who will be the record owner:
- From the dropdown, you can select the owner of the contact that will be created automatically when a form is submitted by someone.
Enable Double Opt-in:
- A confirmation email with a unique URL will be sent to the subscriber. Once the subscriber has confirmed himself, his record will be created inside Salesmate.
Add privacy policy:
- Select this option to add a checkbox for subscribers to accept your terms & conditions and privacy policies before submitting the form.
Enable re-captcha:
- Enable this option to avoid form submissions via other spamming services.
Auto append a tag:
- Add the tags which will be added to newly created records. This is useful for performing automation.
Change the appearance of the form:
- You can customize the form's appearance and preview the form. Match the form styles to match your website.
Custom CSS:
- You can even design your own custom CSS in the form by adding HTML code to that space. (learn to know more about Custom CSS in Webforms)
Publish your form:
- Once you have created your form, you can publish it. As soon as the form is published, you will get the option to share the form.
- Share link - You can add the link to your website to start getting submissions.
- Embed Code - You can add an embed code to your website to collect the submissions.
- If you have selected the double opt-in option, the primary email collection field should be available on the form and marked required. Otherwise, the form will not work as needed.
- If you wish to not have the background colour at all, you set the Background colour to rgba(0,0,0,0)
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