The listing page for documents will show you all the documents that have been shared with you.
- The listing screen will display the following columns:
- Document Name: The name of the document.
- Links Created: The number of links generated for the Document.
- Views: The count of how many times the Document has been viewed.
- Owner: The person who owns or uploaded the Document.
- Last Modified Date: The most recent date when the Document was changed.
- Last Modified By: The User who made the last modification to the Document.
- You can easily search for specific Document using the Quick Search option
- You can apply sorting on all columns.
- When you hover over the Document Name, you will get the following actions:
- Rename: Change the name of the Document.
- Create Link: Generate a link for sharing the Document.
- Download: Save a copy of the Document to your device.
- Move to Folder: Transfer the Document to a different folder within the system.
- Manage Access: Control who can access the Document
- Delete: Delete the Document from the system.
- Select the multiple documents and perform the following bulk operations:
- Move to the Folder: Transfer all selected documents to a specific folder.
- Delete: Permanently remove all selected documents from the system.
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