At times, when you are out on vacation or have new plans for your marketing strategies, Salesmate gives you the advantage to pause your sequence and run when you are ready.
Topics Covered:
How to Pause a Sequence?
- Navigate to More on the left menu bar.
- Click on Sequences.
- Find the Sequence you created
- Click on the “Actions” button
- Click on the Pause button
Note: You will not be able to enroll contacts to that sequence after pausing
Sequence Detailed Screen
- Navigate to More on the left menu bar.
- Click on Sequences.
- Find the Sequence you created and click on it
- Click on the “Actions” button
- Click on the Pause button
What will Pause Sequence do?
- Will stop sending out Emails, Texts, and the creation of follow-up activities and keep the contacts exactly where they are in the sequence cycle.
- When you resume a sequence then the cycle will start from where it got paused.
- Contacts can still exit sequences based on auto exit criteria like unsubscribing from the previously sent email
How to resume a Sequence?
- Navigate to More on the left menu bar.
- Click on Sequences.
- Find the Sequence you have created
- Click on the “Actions” button
- Click on the "Resume" button
Note: The active contacts will restart their Sequence flow from the last executed step when the Sequence is resumed.
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