Salesmate CRM allows you to quickly manage all your dashboards and their owners from a single screen.
- Navigate to the Dashboard
- Click on the Actions button, and select Manage Dashboard (You must have permission to manage the dashboard, then only you be able to access this option).
- Click on the Actions button, and select Manage Dashboard (You must have permission to manage the dashboard, then only you be able to access this option).
- On the next screen, you'll see a list of all the Dashboards that have been created. Here Salesmate provides you the option to filter the Dashboards based on the Owner.
- Click on the dropdown and select a specific user whose Dashboard you would like to manage.
- Once you select a user, all the respective dashboards created under the ownership of that user will be filtered for you.
- The following information is displayed in the table - Dashboard name, Dashboard owner, Privacy settings, Dashboard's last updated date, and Name of the user who updated the dashboard.
- You will find quick actions of Delete and Change Owner when you select any dashboards, and the operation can also be performed on bulk selection.
- When you hover over a particular dashboard, you'll get the Actions option, which offers you the option to,
Delete Multiple Dashboards
- When you choose the option to Delete, Salesmate asks you for confirmation to delete as it is an irreversible operation.
- On clicking Yes, the selected Dashboards will be deleted and a success alert message is displayed.
Change Owner
- To change the ownership, you need to select the respective Dashboards and click on Change Owner.
- You can select the New Owner for the Dashboard
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