Once you have completed the mapping of BigCommerce Customer details, you can now map the Order details in Salesmate.
To start the Order fields mapping, the system will ask you to either
- Create a new pipeline and map stages, or
- Choose a pipeline where your orders will be imported as deals
Note: The owner of the deals will be the same as that of the contact.
If you select, Create a new pipeline and map stages:
- You will need to give a name for the pipeline
- Stages i.e. order statuses as that in your BigCommerce store will be created in this pipeline
- All stages will have a win probability set to 100 by default. You can go and change them later from the Customization section in Salesmate.
If you select, Choose a pipeline where your orders will be imported as deals:
- You will need to select a pipeline to import your deals to
- Map the BigCommerce Statuses to Salesmate Stages of the pipeline you choose
- The system will try and auto match the status with stages based on an exact text match
- Once mapped click Save & Sync
- Once the sync starts, it will create the contacts and then create the orders as deals inside Salesmate.
Default mapping:
BigCommerce | Salesmate | |
Order Number | Deal title | Title will be a combination of Id and Contact Name |
Order Status | Pipeline and Stage as chosen as above | |
Contact | Contact from Salesmate | |
Currency | Currency | |
Owner | Same as contact owner | |
Priority | Priority will be first ever value available from Salesmate priority list | |
Source | Source field has a default value set to ‘Website’. | |
Status | The Status field value depends on the payment’s status, if the payment is successful, then it is updated to ‘Won’, but if the payment fails, then the value is set to ‘Open’. Deal status is marked as ‘Open’: status is Incomplete, Pending, Awaiting Payment, Manual Verification Required. Deal status is marked as ‘Lost’: status is Refunded, Cancelled, Declined, Disputed. Deal status is marked as ‘Won’: status is Shipped, Partially Shipped, Awaiting Pickup, Awaiting Shipment, Completed, Awaiting Fulfillment, Partially Refunded. |
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